Natural Morganite Gemstones
- Natural Morganite is a Gemstone that belongs to the beryl family (same mineral family as Emerald, Yellow Beryl, Aquamarine)
- Morganite is the Pink/Peach Colour version of Beryl
- Named after Named after J. P. Morgan, American investment banker and financier who first discovered this mineral variety.
- Sought after Gemstone for its attractive colour.
- Usually set with Rose Gold in Jewellery
Gemstone Details:
- Mineral class: Beryl /Heliodor
- Weight: Various sizes available
- Shape & Cut: Various shapes available
- Colour: Peach Colour/Light Pink/Brownish Pink
- Lustre: Vitreous
- Crystal system: Hexagonal crystal system
- Chemical formula: Be₃Al₂SiO₆
- Hardness (Moh’s hardness scale): 7.5 – 8
- Variety: Morganite
- Transparency: Translucent, Transparent